Software package for Use Case Description Generation

Tool to map existing Use Case descriptions produced by commercial tools into a usable, open format   

The software package supports the development of Use Case descriptions, maps existing Use Case descriptions produced by commercial tools into a usable, open format and provides an open repository for Use Cases. It makes Use Case development cheaper than using commercial tools and enables sharing and re-use of Use Cases.

An easily accessible use-case repository for users with different background, based on the use-case methodology defined in the standard IEC 62559-2:2015.



Smart Grid Use Case Repository


Smart Grid Use Case Repository


RWTH Achen University - Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems
Contact Antonello Monti

Further development

Community at GitHub:

Interview with:
Prof. Antonello Monti, Director of the Institute for Automation of Complex Power System
RWTH Aachen University

Interviewer: Antonello Monti, the Software package for Use Case Description Generation is one of the key results of the Platone project whose development was coordinated by consortium partner RWTH Aachen University. Let´s assume I am a member of the research and innovation department at a German DSO. Our DSO is quite often involved in different research projects to develop advanced solutions for grid management. Is there a SW tool that can help us in this regard? Typically for such research projects and during the early phases, we use texts and graphics to describe and shape our use cases.  

Antonello Monti: I am glad that you are asking. There actually exists an open source Software Package for Use Case Description Generation which can exactly meet your demands. The purpose of the tool is to support development of Use Case descriptions, to map existing Use Case descriptions produced by commercial tools into a usable, open format and to provide an open repository for Use Cases. It makes Use Case development cheaper than using commercial tools and enables sharing and re-use of Use Cases.

Interviewer: Can you elaborate a bit more how this tool works?

Antonello Monti: The tool uses GitHub as the web tool and repository for developing and storing the UCs. The GitHub has two repositories: a project-specific development environment in GitHub where UCs can be worked on, as well as a general-purpose repository for UCs from different projects, called the Smart Grid Use Case Repository. The  repository  has  the  potential  to  be  a  valuable  knowledge  base  for  use  cases.  Also, its use is not limited to Smart Grid Use Cases, it could be applied in other contexts.

Interviewer: So, who is exactly the target group of this software package?

Antonello Monti: The target group is developers of new use cases and users of existing use cases. The developers may be in industry or academic researchers.  In  particular,  the  tool  has  been  adopted  by  the  Data Management  working  group  of  BRIDGE  for  use  in  future  EU  projects.  The tool addresses the need identified by BRIDGE to create a European repository of all existing and new use cases to facilitate the exchange of knowledge among projects. In such a way, not only you but also others have access to the repositories and can figure it synergies more efficiently.

Interviewer: Thanks a lot for all your comprehensive replies. One more question though: How can I access the repository and the tool?

Antonello Monti: The Smart Grid Use Case Repository is automatically generated from the UC development environment by a toolchain using the open-source Hugo2 and Docsy3 tools.

Interviewer: Thanks a lot for this interview, Antonello Monti!