Learn more about the Platone framework with our Platone educational video series "Open-Source PLATforms for Operation of distribution NEtworks (Platone)"! The video series covers three main aspects: Introduction, tutorials about one the open-source DSO Technical Platform of Platone, i.e., Service-based Open-source Grid automation platform for Network Operation of the future (SOGNO), and finally the DSO demonstration testimonials about the application of the framework proposed by Platone.

Introduction: Digitalization of the energy sector to accelerate the energy transition

Prof. Antonello Monti, director of the Institute for Automation of Complex Power System within the E.ON Energy Research Center at RWTH Aachen University.

(Direct link to this video at Youtube)

Platone Open Framework as an open-source solution for the digitalization of the energy sector

Ferdinando Bosco, Technical Manager at R&D Smart Energy Lab, Engineering Ingegneria Informatica

(Direct link to this video at Youtube)

Service-based Open-source Grid automation platform for Network Operation of the future (SOGNO)  – Architecture & Usage Overview

(Direct link to this video at Youtube)

SOGNO - Installation of k3s

(Direct link to this video at Youtube)

SOGNO - Introduction to Kubernetes

Deploying a SOGNO Service using kubectl

(Direct link to this video at Youtube)

Deploying a SOGNO Service using HELM

(Direct link to this video at Youtube)

Development of an energy management system following the open source service oriented architecture of SOGNO


Development of a Local Flexibility Market through an Open-Source Market Platform

DSO Technical Platform

Service-based Open-source Grid automation platform for Network Operation of the future (SOGNO)
Learn more